Covid 19

Our nursery is fully compliant with all government recommendations regarding Coronavirus.

Link to government documentation regarding Coronavirus and early years settings

Lucy Lockets Covid 19 Policy


 Visitors are allowed into the nursery without an appointment subject to rate of infection outside the setting.

Show rounds will be conducted within operational hours. This is subject to change dependant on the current risk of infection outside the setting.


Parents asked that only one parent drops off and picks up

Parents are asked to sanitise hands before coming upstairs

Where possible parents are asked to stagger their drop off and collection times so that we can be aware of and manage busier times and therefore reduce the need to queue.

Parents asked to be mindful of time in the setting. Extra time to be arranged, at parent’s convenience if needed.


Beds and Bedding

As is normal procedure,  all bedding will be washed after it has been used

Beds will be sanitised before and after use

Beds spaced over a wider area and windows opened whilst sleeping

Hand washing

Children sanitise hands when entering the nursery

Staff and children wash hands before all meals and snacks as normal procedure

Hand wash activities planned in the children’s learning

Water play indoors is available for the children as part of continuous provision.


Cleaning will remain an important and integral part of our plan to ensure the very highest of standards are maintained.

We have a company retained to ensure that if a breakout is detected they will attend at short notice to sanitise the whole building and contents

Hand sanitiser will be provided which must be used throughout the day.

All soft furnishing and soft toys will be reinstated in play areas and washed on a sessional basis

Cleaning Materials

Supplies of all cleaning materials are high and monitored daily so that levels are always re- stocked

High stock levels of hand sanitisers are maintained.


First aid stock level audits are conducted to ensure stock levels are maintained


  Children are admitted into nursery  in line with government guidelines and recommendations.

If there are members of the family or any person living in the same home as a child attending Lucy lockets who is testing positive, the child should take a lateral flow test prior to attending and the child must have a negative test result before attending any session at Lucy lockets.

Outdoor space is used as part of the learning environment

Whilst children are indoors the windows and free flow doors will be opened for ventilation.

Children will access the garden in their own garden times

Outdoor activities planned daily for all age groups

Children are washing hands more often than usual following the government  20 second guidance

Ensure good respiratory hygiene by promoting the catch it bin it kill it approach

Children’s meals and snacks to be served within children’s own groups.


Safeguarding First aid and SENCO representatives will be on the premises at all times.

Provision of a quarantine areas and all PPE available should the need arise

No child will be allowed into the setting with a positive test for Covid. We will abide by all the government guidance regarding quarantine.