Nursery Rooms

Babies and Toddlers: 0-2 Years

Ratio in this room is 1:3 We have a maximum of 5 babies per session

On the ground floor of the nursery our baby room is bright and spacious offering lots of room for moving around.

Our practitioners are specifically trained in the care of young babies and have the professional knowledge to respond to every child’s individual progression.

Every child will have a keyworker who will work closely with parents and carers to ensure that individual routines from home are continued at nursery.

A daily diary is completed for children under two to communicate when children have slept, had nappies changed and what has been eaten or drank.

Activities and Play

Activities are planned weekly to support the individual requirements of the children in the room.

Continuous provision in the baby room offers an abundance of resources that offer stimulation of the senses through textures, natural objects and sounds leading to lots of investigation and discovery.

Our youngest babies have areas that are cosy and inviting with gentle music to provide a cosy and calm atmosphere.

Tummy time is provided where appropriate with practitioners responding to babies development with co operative play on a 1:1 basis.

The room has fixtures that support physical milestones enabling babies to reach out and pull themselves to standing. Toys that aid mobility are available to build confidence in readiness for those first steps!

Some Activities we enjoy in the baby room

Messy Tray Sand and Water play Painting, mostly using our hands to feel and make marks.

Treasure Baskets & Heuristic Play Big Building Blocks Balls role play play dough

Music and Dancing with ribbons and instruments and much much more……..

Babies have garden time twice daily.

  • Babies Need To Bring

Nappies Wipes Comforters (If required) A change of clothing

Milk for bottle feeds as required

Tinies: 2-2 ½ Years

Ratio in this room is 1:4 and we have a maximum of 7 children in this room

Our Tinies room is on the upper floor looking out across the garden.

.Practitioners in this room plan and provide activities that allow children to explore and investigate and begin to interact with their peers. Language and communication is a priority for these children and so singing and story times are high on the agenda.

Every child will have a keyworker who will work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure routines from home are reciprocated at nursery.

Tinies children sleep on a day bed should they require to rest.

Activities we enjoy in the Tinies Room

Lots of messy play!, Rice, pasta, shaving foam, jelly or gloop engaging all our sense as we explore.

Painting- using a variety of techniques Mark making,

Puzzles and games to encourage cognitive thinking

Role play, allowing children to freely express themselves they are helped to dress up and begin to pretend play alongside their friends

Music and movement , Tinies have oodles of energy and music and dancing is a favourite

Tinies have the garden to themselves twice daily with bikes, trikes and climbing equipment to challenge and support physical development.

Tinies need to bring

Nappies Wipes changes of clothes lots of pants if toilet training

comforters if required

Tweenies: 2 ½ - 3 Years

  • Ratio in this room is 1:4 with a capacity of 8 children

  • Our Tweenies children are eager learners and enjoy planned focused activities both during the morning and afternoon sessions.

  • Singing and story times support communication and language development whilst also helping to build confidence and self expression.

  • Planning in all seven areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage ensures play opportunities provide appropriate challenges that support individual development.

  • Children that require a rest can use a day bed in the cosy area

  • Activities we enjoy in the Tweenies Room

  • Messy play Jelly rice pasta shave foam gloop

  • Sand or water Painting using a variety of techniques

  • Mark making ,our marks are beginning to be more controlled now

  • Role play that links to our current theme, we love to dress up and use our imagination

  • Puzzles and games with our group helps develop our cognitive thinking and begin to understand turn taking.

  • Music singing and dance allow us to move freely to different types of music.

  • Tweenies have the garden to themselves twice daily. They love to run , climb, slide, and roll down our hill! There’s lots of cars and scooters and a vegetable plot to enjoy planting with our gardener.

  • Tweenies Need To Bring

  • Changes of clothes Nappies wipes Lots of pants if toilet training

  • Comforters if required

Twinkles and Pre School

Our eldest children are split into two different rooms and work to become school ready throughout the year.

We have so much fun in these rooms as we build strong friendships and enjoy circle times and group activities.

We can use lots of vocabulary now and practitioners build confidence and self esteem by encouraging children to share their thoughts, ideas and feelings.

We use three educational programmes during pre school to support skills that will help in preparation for school.

  • All About Me

    This programme is 3 weeks long and aims to help children to develop a sense of belonging confidence and self esteem.

  • Children explore our differences and similarities and celebrate them together.

  • We hope to ensure we all respect each other and become responsible citizens of the future.

  • We look at feelings and emotions-

  • What do I like and don’t like? What do my friends enjoy? What makes me sad or happy?

  • How can I help myself and friends to be happy?

  • At the end of the programme the children feel confident amongst their group and join in with conversations and listen to their friends too.

  • We will be able to show empathy and understanding towards others and begin to be good at taking turns and sharing.

    Froggy Fingers

  • A 2 week programme that helps the children to gain a comfortable pincer grip in readiness for beginning to write.

  • The programme involves lots of planned fun play activities that need the children to use a pincer grip , fine manipulative skills and hand and eye co ordination

  • The pincer grip is natural and comfortable by the end of the programme and we continue to encourage it by just saying ‘froggy fingers’ afterwards.

  • Ready For School

  • Although this whole year is spent getting ready for school this fantastic programme really helps the group to work through feelings they may have about moving on and have lots of fun gaining the practical skills they will need.

  • The programme includes role play where the group practice dressing and undressing and wearing a uniform .We make a book prompting discussions about what we have enjoyed about nursery and what we are looking forward to.

  • We play the wobbly tray game which has us all giggling as we practice carrying a loaded tray!

  • We celebrate with a leavers party and graduation.

Throughout our year in Twinkles and pre school we enjoy lots of fantastic activities from simple science experiments to role play and mini world games with our friends.

We plan activities to challenge and support individual development and enjoy focused activities in both the morning and afternoon sessions.

  • Children in Twinkles and Pre School need

  • A few spare clothes as we are very active and sometimes messy, we still have the odd accident too.

  • Please try not to bring toys from home as they get broken or lost.

  • Please put names in all clothing